When you need an analog-to-digital converter for microcontrollers that don't have built-in ADCs or when you require higher precision, the ADS1115 delivers 16-bit accuracy at an impressive 860 samples per second over I2C. The chip can be configured as 4 single-ended input channels or 2 differential channels and even includes a programmable gain amplifier (PGA) up to 16x to help amplify smaller single/differential signals to the full range. This ADC is versatile, operating between 2.0V and 5.5V, making it capable of measuring a wide range of signals with ease. It's a great general-purpose 16-bit converter.
The chip is relatively small, and it comes on a breakout board with ferrite beads to keep AVDD and AGND quiet. Communication is done over I2C, and you can change the address to have up to 4 ADS1115's connected on a single 2-wire I2C bus (see the datasheet table 5 for the addresses).
To get started, we have example code for both Raspberry Pi( in our Adafruit Pi Python library ), Arduino ( in our ADS1X15 Arduino library repository ) and CircuitPython. Just wire up the GND pin to ground, VDD to your logic power supply, and SCL/SDA to your microcontroller's I2C port and run the example code to start reading data.
To get started, we have example code for both Raspberry Pi ( in our Adafruit Pi Python library ), Arduino ( in our ADS1X15 Arduino library repository ) and CircuitPython. Just wire up the GND pin to ground, VDD to your logic power supply, and SCL/SDA to your microcontroller's I2C port and run the example code to start reading data.
You can find data sheets, Fritzing object, and EagleCAD PCB files in the product tutorial.
You can order the ADS1115 16-Bit ADC - 4 Channel Programmable Gain Amplifier from the Adafruit category at SAMM Market with competitive pricing, same-day shipping, and fast delivery advantages.