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25mm Telephoto Lens for Raspberry Pi

Product Code : MP02246
Supplier Code: 18154
1,642.30 TL + VAT
1,970.76 TL
EFT / Money Order Price : 1,911.64 TL %3  Discount

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This is 25mm 10MP Telephoto Lens suitable for use with Raspberry Pi High Quality Camera. It has a narrow viewing angle suitable for viewing distant objects. It has an adjustment aperture ring from F1.4. The lens can be easily screwed onto the Raspberry Pi High Quality Camera. It also comes with front and back covers for protection when not in use.


Multi Field Angle Options
25mm-Telephoto-Lens-for-Pi-details-5.jpg (96 KB)

Working With Raspberry Pi

25mm-Telephoto-Lens-for-Pi-details-9.jpg (160 KB)
25mm-Telephoto-Lens-for-Pi-details-11.jpg (117 KB)

Raspberry Pi and High Quality Camera in photos NOT included

To use with Raspberry Pi Zero, you need to additionally purchase Raspberry Pi Zero v1.3 Camera Cable.

Prepared by  T-Soft E-Commerce.