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Product Code : MP01224
412.44 TL + VAT
494.93 TL
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The "STM8SVLDISCOVERY" is a quick-start development board designed to explore the features of STM8S microcontrollers and facilitate the development of your applications. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced user, this board provides everything you need to get started quickly. It is built around the STM8S003K3T6 microcontroller, although it allows you to evaluate the main features of all STM8S MCUs. It also includes an embedded ST-LINK debugger and can be easily connected to a PC using a standard USB cable.

Key Features:

  • STM8S003K3T6 microcontroller with 8KB Flash, 1KB RAM, and 128 bytes of EEPROM.
  • Powered through a USB cable that connects to a computer and the STM8SVLDISCOVERY board.
  • Selectable 5V or 3.3V power input.
  • 1 x User button (B1).
  • 1 x User LED (LD1).
  • External pins for all input and output connections.
  • Reserved area for custom user applications.
  • Embedded ST-Link for programming and debugging.
  • USB interface for easy connectivity.
  • SWIM debug support.
  • Weight: 0,065318 Kg
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