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Product Code : MP01236
Supplier Code: STM32F769I-DISCO
4,243.93 TL + VAT
5,092.71 TL
EFT / Money Order Price : 4,939.93 TL %3  Discount

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The STM32F769I-DISCO is a Discovery kit featuring the STM32F769NI microcontroller. This MCU has 2MB of flash memory, 512 + 16 + 4 KB of RAM, and is available in a 216-pin BGA package. The Discovery kit allows users to develop and experiment with applications using STM32 series microcontrollers based on the ARM Cortex-M7 core. It supports a wide range of applications that leverage features such as audio multi-sensor support, graphics, security, video, and high-speed connectivity.

Key features of the STM32F769I-DISCO include:

  • Arduino connectivity support, enabling limitless expansion capabilities with various custom expansion boards.
  • Built-in ST-LINK/V2-1 with USB re-enumeration feature, supporting USB ST-LINK functions like Virtual COM, storage, and debug ports.
  • 2 audio line jacks, 1 input and 1 output, and stereo speaker outputs.
  • 4 ST MEMS microphones on DFSDM inputs.
  • 2 SPDIF RCA input and output connectors.
  • 2 buttons (user and reset).
  • 512Mbit quad-SPI flash memory.
  • 128Mbit SDRAM.
  • microSD card connector.

Weight: 0,3 Kg

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