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Product Code : MP01920
Supplier Code: STM32F723E-DISCO
1,705.54 TL + VAT
2,046.65 TL
EFT / Money Order Price : 1,985.25 TL %3  Discount

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The STM32F723E-DISCO from STMicroelectronics is a discovery kit with STM32F723IE MCU. It allows users to develop applications with the microcontrollers of the STM32F7 series, based on ARM Cortex -M7 core. The 32F723EDISCOVERY discovery kit enables a wide diversity of applications taking benefit from audio, multi-sensor support, graphics, security, video and high speed connectivity features. The PMOD, STMod+ and Arduino Uno V3 connectivity support provides unlimited expansion capabilities with a large choice of specialized add-on boards. Five power supply options are ST LINK/V2-1, USB HS connector, USB FS connector, 5V from Arduino Uno V3 or external connector and USB charger.


  • 512Kbytes of flash memory, 176+16 Kbytes of RAM in BGA176 package
  • On-board ST-LINK
  • V2-1 supporting USB re-enumeration capability
  • USB ST-LINK functions, virtual COM port, mass storage & debug port
  • TFT LCD 240 x 240 pixels with touch panel, SAI audio codec
  • Stereo 3.5mm jack connector for audio line input and headphone, stereo speaker outputs
  • Four ST-MEMS microphones, two push-buttons (user and reset), ESP-01 Wi-Fi module connector
  • 8Mbit external PSRAM, USB OTG HS with Micro-AB connector & USB OTG FS with Micro-AB connector
  • System requirements-Windows OS (XP, 7, 8) or Linux 64bit or Mac OS X and Type-A to Micro-B USB cable
  • Power supply output for external applications are 3.3V or 5V
  • Arduino Uno V3 connectors, PMOD connector, STMod+ connector


Embedded Design & Development


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