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Product Code : MP01225
Supplier Code: STM32F0308-DISCO
359.71 TL + VAT
431.66 TL
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STM32F0308-DISCO is designed to help users explore the features of the STM32 F0 Cortex-M0 and facilitate the easy development of user applications. It contains everything needed to get started quickly, suitable for both beginners and experienced users. Based on the STM32F030R8T6 microcontroller, which is part of the STM32 F0 series, it includes additional components and modules for easy connection, such as an embedded ST-LINK/V2 debugger, LEDs, buttons, and a prototyping board.


  • STM32F030R8T6 microcontroller with 64KB Flash memory and 8KB RAM (LQFP64 package).
  • Choice mode switch to use the kit as an independent ST-LINK/V2.
  • USB or external 5V power supply options.
  • External application power supply options at 3V and 5V.
  • Extension pins for all LQFP64 input/output connections for prototyping, quick connections, and easy probing.
  • Additional board that can be connected as an extension for easier prototyping and examination.
  • Two buttons (one for the user, one for resetting).
  • Weight: 0.074843 Kg.
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