The LPCXpresso-MAX family of boards provides a powerful and flexible development system for NXP's low-end ARM Cortex-M0+ based MCUs. They can be used with a range of development tools, including the MCUXpresso IDE toolchain. The LPCXpresso845-MAX board was created to enable evaluation of and prototyping with the LPC84x family of MCUs.
- Compatible with MCUXpresso IDE and other popular toolchains (incl. IAR and Keil®)
- On-board CMSIS-DAP (debug probe) with VCOM port, based on LPC11U35 MCU
- Debug connector to allow debug of target MCU using an external probe
- Red, green and blue user LEDs
- Target ISP and user
- wake buttons
- Target reset button
- LPCXpresso expansion connector
- DAC output via speaker driver and speaker
- Arduino UNO compatible connectors
- Pmod compatible expansion header
- Prototyping area
Operating Instructions EN