Want to do more with the BBC micro:bit? Unlock its full potential with our pre-built edge connector breakout board! It provides access to all the BBC micro:bit processor pins and adds a wealth of additional functionality. This Edge Connector Breakout Board for the BBC micro:bit provides access to all the essential pins on the bottom edge of the BBC micro:bit. It offers a total of 21 pin outputs; additional I/O lines, direct access to A and B buttons, LED matrix outputs, and I2C data bus.
The SCL and SDA pins are located at the edge of the board (solder pads) for easy identification. The PCB includes a prototyping area with 3V, 0V, and solderable unconnected rows. This provides convenient connectivity for switches, sensors, and any pull-ups, and more. This product comes with soldered Straight Double Row PCB Pin Headers for the breakout board.