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Triangulation LiDAR LD14

Product Code : MP02210
Supplier Code: 22415
1,976.41 TL + VAT
2,371.69 TL
EFT / Money Order Price : 2,300.54 TL %3  Discount

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LD14 primarily consists of a laser rangefinder core, wireless transmission unit, wireless communication unit, angle measurement unit, motor drive unit, and a mechanical body. LD14 utilizes triangulation technology to perform distance measurements at a rate of 23,000 times per second. At each range, LD14 emits an infrared laser from a fixed angle, and the laser is reflected back to the receiver unit after interacting with the target object. By analyzing the angular relationship between the laser, the target object, and the receiver unit, LD14 can calculate the distance accurately.

After obtaining distance data, LD14 combines it with angle measurements taken by the angle measurement unit to generate point cloud data. This point cloud data is then transmitted wirelessly to an external interface. Simultaneously, the motor drive unit operates the motor and controls its speed at a specified rate using a closed-loop PID algorithm.

The start-stop function of the radar can be controlled via an adapter card instead of a serial port, which can extend the radar's service life.


  • Based on triangulation radar technology.
  • Supports UART communication.
  • Measurement radius is 8m.
  • Measurement frequency is 2300Hz.
  • 360° scanning range.
  • Laser Safety compliant with FDA Class 1 Standards.
  • Compact design.
  • Radar can be controlled via serial communication.
  • For resources, click here..


  • Typical measurement range 0.158m
  • Sampling frequency 2300Hz
  • Scanning frequency 6Hz
  • Angular resolution ≤1°
  • Mechanical dimensions96,3*59,8*38,8 mm
  • Communication interface UART @ 115200bps
  • Power supply 5V
  • Operating current 240mA
  • Power consumption ≈1.3W
  • Operating temperature range -10℃40℃
  • Scanning range 360°
  • Range Accuracy
  • 5mm (< 1m)
  • 1.5% of the real distance (1~6m)
  • 2% of the real distance (6~8m)


  • Education and scientific research
  • Robot obstacle avoidance
  • Measurement and detection
  • Smart motion control
  • 2D motion recognition
  • Autonomous navigation
  • Map reconstruction
  • Navigation and localization

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Triangulation-LiDAR-LD14-details-size.jpg (42 KB)

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