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PIM458 - Enviro Hat + Air Quality

Product Code : MP01090
Supplier Code: PIM458
2,106.33 TL + VAT
1,863.36 TL + VAT
2,236.03 TL
%12 Discount
EFT / Money Order Price : 2,168.95 TL %3  Discount

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Enviro Hat + Air Quality for Raspberry Pi: Observe Your World

With this board, you can observe your surroundings with a bunch of sensors and a great little full-color LCD to display the data you get from the sensors.

Observe Your Environment

The Enviro Hat + Air Quality is designed for you to monitor your environment and allows you to measure air quality (pollutant gases and particles), temperature, pressure, humidity, light, and noise levels. Enviro is designed for indoor monitoring, allowing you to measure temperature, pressure, humidity, light, and noise levels. It's great for keeping track of what's happening in your home, office, or other rooms. Send the data to a server and view it remotely from anywhere.

Enviro Hat + Air Quality Features

  • BME280 temperature, pressure, pressure sensor (Datasheet)
  • LTR-559 light and proximity sensor (Datasheet)
  • MICS6814 analog gas sensor (Datasheet)
  • ADS1015 analog-to-digital converter (ADC)
  • MEMS microphone
  • 96" color LCD (160x80)
  • Input for Particulate Matter (PM) sensor
  • Pimoroni-compatible pin header
  • pHAT-shaped board
  • Fully assembled
  • Compatible with all Raspberry Pi models with a 40-pin header
  • Pins
  • Python Library
  • Dimensions: 65x30x8.5mm
6.5 x 3 x 0.85
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