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MCP2515 CANBUS-SPI Communication Module

Product Code : MP00979
Supplier Code: 831
110.30 TL + VAT
132.36 TL
EFT / Money Order Price : 128.39 TL %3  Discount

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MCP2515 CANBUS-SPI Communication Module

CAN-BUS is a widely used industrial communication protocol known for its high reliability, long communication distance, and moderate transmission speed. It is commonly used in the automotive sector for communication purposes. The CAN-BUS Shield is a board that allows Arduino boards to be integrated into the CAN bus. It also enables easy communication between multiple Arduino boards over the CAN bus. It is based on the SPI interface MCP2515 CAN controller and the TJA1050 CAN transceiver. It can be easily used in conjunction with the OBD-II library.

The features of the MCP2515 CANBUS-SPI Communication Module are as follows:

  • Supports CAN 2.0B protocol.
  • Utilizes the high-speed TJA1050 CAN transceiver IC.
  • Provides an expandable CAN interface through SPI connection.
  • Includes an 8 MHz crystal oscillator.
  • Features a 120 Ω terminal resistor.

Competitive and Affordable MCP2515 CANBUS-SPI Communication Module at SAMM Market

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