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Bluefruit LE Shield

Product Code : MP00426
Supplier Code: 378
1,004.09 TL + VAT
798.71 TL + VAT
958.45 TL
%20 Discount
EFT / Money Order Price : 929.70 TL %3  Discount

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This shield can be used for wireless serial communication by connecting it to the UART output of your development board. Additionally, it can identify itself in various ways with other compatible BLE devices by modifying GATT services and characteristics. You can control temperature, battery voltage, and other information using the AT command set. Moreover, you can transfer sensor data such as accelerometers and GPS from your smart devices to your microcontroller. The shield can identify itself as a Bluetooth keyboard, pulse monitor, or beacon device. You can update the firmware to the latest version by using your smart device to transfer it to the Bluetooth shield.

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