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Black PLA Filament 1.75mm

Product Code : MP01013
Supplier Code: 871
101.69 TL + VAT
122.03 TL
EFT / Money Order Price : 118.37 TL %3  Discount

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Product Features

High Surface Quality

High Mechanical Thermal Property

High Mechanical Strength

Stable Color Transitions

Terms of Use

Material: PLA

Diameter: 1.75mm

Tolerance: ±0.05 mm

Processing Temperature: 190-215 °C

Table Temperature: 60-75 °C

Net Weight: 1000 g


3D Support Collective Production Movement, We are a big family that came together as 3D printer owners to fight against Covid-19.

We draw our strength from the purely voluntary efforts of more than 3,000 people and institutions registered in the network.

You can choose our 3D Support brand filaments in order to sustain our existence, and you can support us in projects that provide social benefit and social impact in the ongoing process.

Believing in the power of collective production, our community aims to continue its work by providing mass production support to local problems.

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