The CJMCU-530 Distance Measurement Sensor Module uses the VL53L0X sensor, which operates based on the Time of Flight (ToF) principle. ToF sensors work differently from other distance measurement sensors. Traditional Distance Measurement Sensors consist of an IR transmitter and an IR receiver. The IR rays emitted by the transmitter bounce off obstacles and are reflected back to the receiver. The distance is determined based on the angle of the received light. However, these sensors cannot accurately detect black objects because black doesn't reflect light effectively, making it difficult for the receiver to calculate the angle.
ToF sensors, on the other hand, measure distance by calculating the time it takes for photons to travel through the air. They emit laser light, and when the light travels from the transmitter to the receiver, the sensor measures how long the photons were in flight and calculates the distance accordingly. This method provides more accurate results compared to other sensors.
The CJMCU-530 sensor, which is an improved version of the GY-530 sensor, requires you to connect the XSH (shutdown pin) to 5V. When power is interrupted or weak, the sensor will shut down to protect itself. You can use this pin to start or stop the sensor with a signal from your Arduino. Here is the connection scheme for the product:
Technical Specifications of CJMCU-530 VL53L0X ToF Distance Measurement Sensor Module: