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Proskit 9S001 Soldering Wire

Product Code : MP01143
Supplier Code: 9S001
91.24 TL + VAT
91.24 TL + VAT
109.49 TL
%0 Discount
EFT / Money Order Price : 106.20 TL %3  Discount

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As you may know, excessive exposure to solder can reduce its effectiveness and the quality of solder joints. This product is designed to prevent this issue, allowing you to easily perform soldering tasks. It is a soldering tool in the shape of a pen with solder placed inside a tube.


  • This solder wire, with a diameter of 1.0mm, contains corrosion-resistant flux in 5 channels.
  • Its tube-shaped design provides ease of use.
  • Suitable for both amateur and professional tasks.

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