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Precise RTC Module (Integrated DS3231 Chip) for Raspberry Pi Pico

Product Code : MP02026
Supplier Code: 19426
476.52 TL + VAT
571.83 TL
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Precise RTC Module (Integrated DS3231 Chip) for Raspberry Pi Pico

Includes High-Precision RTC Chip DS3231

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Precision RTC Module for Raspberry Pi Pico (Built-in DS3231 Chip) Features:

Pico-RTC-DS3231 is a customized RTC expansion module for the Raspberry Pi Pico. It incorporates the high-precision DS3231 RTC chip and utilizes the I2C data bus for communication. Its stackable design allows for the connection of additional external sensors.

  • With the standard Raspberry Pi Pico header, it supports the Raspberry Pi Pico series.
  • It features a built-in high-precision RTC chip DS3231 with a backup battery holder.
  • Real-Time Clock counts Seconds, Minutes, Hours, Date of Month, Month, Day of Week, and Year, including Leap Year Compensation up to 2100.
  • Selectable format: 24-hour OR 12-hour with AM/PM indicator.
  • 2x programmable alarm clocks.
  • Comes with development resources and guides (Raspberry Pico C/C++ and MicroPython examples).
  • Operating voltage: 3.3V
  • Backup battery voltage: 2.3V ~ 5.5V
  • Operating temperature: -40°C ~ +85°C
  • Power consumption: 100nA (maintains data and time information)

Compatibility with Raspberry Pi Pico Headers

Built-in Female Pin Header for Direct Stacking onto Raspberry Pi Pico

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Raspberry Pi Pico It is NOT included.

What's Included in the Raspberry Pi Pico Hassas RTC Module (Built-in DS3231 Chip)?

  • 1-DS3231 high-precision RTC chip with I2C data bus
  • 2-RTC backup battery support for CR1220 button cell
  • 3-Power indicator, enabled by soldering a 0Ω resistor to the jumper, disabled by default
  • 4-Raspberry Pi Pico header for attaching to Raspberry Pi Pico, with stackable design

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Pin Output Definitions for Raspberry Pi Pico Hassas RTC Module (Built-in DS3231 Chip):

Pico-RTC-DS3231-details-inter.jpg (39 KB)


Pico-RTC-DS3231-details-size.jpg (48 KB)

Competitive and Affordable Raspberry Pi Pico Hassas RTC Modülü (Embedded DS3231 Chip) is available at SAMM Market.

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