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PinooBot Vehicle Kit

Product Code : MP01436
Supplier Code: BOOTAK-V01
3,499.00 TL + VAT
3,300.00 TL + VAT
3,960.00 TL
%6 Discount
EFT / Money Order Price : 3,841.20 TL %3  Discount

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What is PinooBot?

PinooBot is a tool kit that allows children to develop their coding and hand skills without the need for complex cable connections and challenging assembly steps, thanks to the easy-to-code feature of the Pinoo control board. PinooBot is specially designed and produced for Pinoo control boards.

What Can Be Done with PinooBot?

With the PinooBot robotic coding kit, children can build their own vehicle kit. They can code the vehicle kit through the mBlock program and make it move. Using the line tracking sensor, they can create a vehicle that follows lines, and with the distance sensor, they can build a robot system that avoids obstacles. They can also use the Bluetooth module to remotely control the vehicle kit.

Why Should Families Choose Pinoo?

Every child is creative, and every child wants to explore and be discovered. Families should introduce their children to Pinoo, an indispensable product of today's technology, in order to discover and develop their children's imagination, abilities, and problem-solving skills. With Pinoo, children can easily produce and code any product they imagine as a project.

What Makes Pinoo Different?

It enables children aged 7 and older to design and code projects with ease.

It includes all the sensors found in Arduino, providing sensor diversity.

A single cable option for sensor connections makes it easier to integrate sensors into our projects.

With mBlock support, it is compatible with all mBlock versions, serving as an educational material.

The materials inside the box allow for multiple projects and the creation of their vehicle kit.

You can share any problems with the technical support team.


PinooBot Set Contents

  • Pinoo Control Board
  • Arduino Nano
  • USB Cable
  • Cable * 5
  • Bluetooth Module
  • Distance Sensor
  • Line Tracking Sensor
  • Dc Motor * 2
  • Chassis Caster
  • Wheel Screw
  • Battery Cap


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