The LAUNCHXL-CC2650 is a SimpleLink CC2650 wireless MCU LaunchPad kit. This kit supports evaluation of CC2640 Bluetooth low energy wireless MCU, CC2630 ZigBee/6LoWPAN wireless MCU, CC2620 ZigBee RF4CE wireless MCU, CC2650 multi standard wireless MCU. The CC2650 LaunchPad kit brings easy Bluetooth smart connectivity to the LaunchPad kit ecosystem with the SimpleLink ultra-low power CC26xx family of devices. Code composer studio IDE full licence included. The CC2650 wireless MCU contains a 32bit ARM Cortex-M3 processor that runs at 48MHz as the main microcontroller and a rich peripheral feature set that includes a unique ultra low power sensor controller. The CC2650 LaunchPad kit supports programming and debugging from Code Composer Studio and IAR Embedded Workbench integrated development environments (IDEs).
You can order the LAUNCHXL-CC2650 product from the Texas Instruments category from SAMM Market right away with the advantage of affordable price, same day shipping and fast delivery.