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Dual Motor Driver L9110

Product Code : MP00454
Supplier Code: 475
20.92 TL + VAT
25.10 TL
EFT / Money Order Price : 24.35 TL %3  Discount

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Dual Motor Driver L9110

The L9110 driver board, which operates between 2.5V and 12V input voltage, can be used to control and drive two separate DC motors or 4-wire 2-phase stepper motors in both directions.

Pin Input Connections:

  • IA2: Input for the first terminal of the left motor.
  • IB2: Input for the second terminal of the left motor.
  • IA1: Input for the first terminal of the right motor.
  • IB1: Input for the second terminal of the right motor.
  • GND: Ground connection point.
  • Vcc: Supply voltage point.

Competitive and Affordable Dual Motor Driver L9110 at SAMM Market

You can order the Dual Motor Driver L9110 product from the Motor Driver Boards category at SAMM Market with competitive prices, same-day shipping, and fast delivery advantages.

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