BC547 Transistor and other transistor varieties, which are commonly used components in electronic circuits, are available at SAMM Market. Transistors, which are semiconductor circuit elements, are used as switching elements. Transistors with 3 or more pins are also preferred for increasing voltage and current. You can order this circuit component, which you can use with your microcontrollers, right away! Experience the privilege of buying various transistor types and other components at affordable prices among the frequently needed hobby electronic materials.
Transistors are circuit elements used to control one current or voltage source with another current or voltage source.
BC547 Transistor, from the BC transistor series, has a collector current of 100mA and a Collector-Emitter voltage of 45V.
You can order the BC547 Transistor product from the Component category at SAMM Market with affordable prices, same-day shipping, and fast delivery advantages.