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SanDisk Ultra 32GB 100MB/s microSDHC UHS-I Memory Card

Product Code : MP02778
Supplier Code: SDSQUNR-032G-GN3MN
209.19 TL + VAT
251.02 TL
EFT / Money Order Price : 243.49 TL %3  Discount

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Sandisk SDSQUNR-032G-GN3MN Ultra 32GB 100MB/S SD Card

Sufficient Storage

In today's world, the memory of many mobile devices is not sufficient for users. Therefore, it is quite possible to need some additional support elements. With the Sandisk memory card, you can have a storage space of 32GB.


Abundance of Photos

If you want to immortalize various moments using your smartphone but face a shortage of space, you can now eliminate this problem. Thanks to the storage space that allows you to store countless photos, you can capture various frames without having to delete files from your phone.


Compatible with Every Device

A large majority of mobile devices produced today have a memory card slot. With this slot, the memory capacity can be increased on almost any device. You can expand the storage space to use cameras, digital cameras, and other devices more efficiently.


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Very Easy to Use

It can be used without the need for any software support. The only thing you need to do is to insert the Sandisk memory card into any device. The operating system will immediately recognize this change.


Get Fast Results

If it is to be used for a camera, it will not pose any difficulties. It allows you to take photos quickly. Thus, you can capture a large number of frames in a short time.


Fast File Transfer

It can be used to transfer files to any device. Even if the transferred files are quite large, the transfer process can be completed quickly. This way, you can save time. You don't have to wait for a long time to finish your tasks.



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